Diving reel with unique ergonomics and patented innovations.

The story of the new ergonomic Nifti-Reel reel...

...And so begins our story
During the Covid pandemic, three Belgian dive instructors have a drink and discuss the difficulties encountered when using the DSMB.
The discussions....
Daniel - "Between you and me, I'm quite distracted and... not very skillful: when I throw the DSMB, I really have to concentrate and be very careful to avoid any incidents."
Henri - « For 90% of divers, launching the DSMB is tricky.
In an ideal world, we w'd have three hands. With two hands, under stress or in cold water with thick gloves, you quickly lose some equipment and the line tangles easily. And that’s dangerous: There are countless divers who change depth or come back up to the surface in an uncontrolled manner..."»
Sven - « And no matter how much you recommend training, well ... it's a fact: in reality, most divers don't have the time, or the desire, or the opportunity to train regularly with their DSMB! »
Let's look for ideas to improve the ergonomics of reels and validate these ideas through systematic testing.

…3 years pass
Over the course of three years, several divers tested 14 successive prototypes of the new Nifti-Reel reel.
For each problem encountered, by an experienced or beginner diver, rather than telling him "You're just clumsy: practice!", we looked for the technical cause of the problem and corrected the reel, to prevent the problem from recurring.